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Your walking plan

Welcome to your Personal Walking Plan

Well done on taking a giant step towards a healthier and happier you.

Your Personal Walking Plan is designed to help you get started on your physical activity journey. If you’ve never exercised before, or if it’s been a while since you were active, this plan will help you kickstart a regular walking habit.


By the end of your six-week plan, you’ll feel more energetic, feel an improvement in your mood and will have lowered your risk of preventable heart disease.

What to expectwelcome 

Each week we’ll help you experience pleasure in movement and connect with what’s going on in the world around you. Confidence in your ability will grow, your strength and flexibility will increase, and you’ll generally feel better about life.

As the weeks progress, you'll receive an email with information about your plan and a weekly theme that uncovers benefits to walking that you may not realise. If you’ve provided your mobile number, we’ll also send you some small challenges via SMS to get even more out of walking.
Each week we've added bonus nutrition tips to keep you feeling good. 

New habits are formed from consistencywelcome 

When you first registered for your walking plan, we asked you a number of questions so we could allocate the right amount of exercise and intensity to best suit you. 

Establishing new habits takes time, patience, and consistent effort. It's common for people to feel discouraged when they find it either too difficult or too easy at the beginning. 

Focusing on the long-term goal and viewing it as a lifestyle change rather than a short-term program is key. It's about making sustainable changes that become a natural part of your daily routine. Remember, every small step you take towards your goal, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is a step in the right direction.

Trusting the process, staying patient, and being consistent will eventually lead to the formation of new habits that can positively impact your life. Keep going, and don't be too hard on yourself if you have setbacks. What matters most is your determination to get back on track and keep moving forward.

Share your walks with us

Join our Facebook group and upload a selfie during your walk. Let us know what you're listening to, how the program's going and what you love most about walking. 

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