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Week 4

Walk for positivity

Your focus this week

This week, say no to all negative self-talk. Just focus on everything you like about yourself. Your inner story shapes how you present yourself to the world. It’s important you’re a kind and generous author. 

Weekly challenge

Each time you’re feeling flat or drained, take a walk and see if it helps. There’s every chance it will make a big difference.

Plan support

Have a question about your plan. Reach out to the walking team at

Week 4 of your Personal Walking Plan

This week, we’ll be adding another 5 minutes to the duration of each walk. That means you’ll be walking for 30 minutes at a time.

Taking a 30-minute walk is like giving your body a gift. It does wonders for your heart, helps you feel happier and less stressed, keeps your weight in check, and even makes your joints happy. Plus, it's like a natural elixir for better sleep and reduces the chances of chronic diseases. 

So, go ahead and lace up those sneakers – your body and mind will thank you!


Here’s what you’ll be doing in Week 4:

Week 4
Number of walks 4
Duration 30 minutes per walk + stretching
Intensity Light (3/10)

Track your intensity

Light 3 out of 10 intensity might feel more manageable by now. We will be increasing this next week, however, if you're ready, you can increase to 4 out of 10 this week. Achieving a 4 out of 10 on the intensity scale means increasing your effort, but only slightly. You should still be walking at an easy to moderate pace. 


Here’s the intensity scale again as a reminder of what you’re aiming for: 

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale

Stretching exercises

Continue with the same stretching routine from last week. This is both upper and lower body stretches


Stretching how-to video:

Download and print off your weekly Program Card and Stretch Card to keep track of your progress. 

Download your Program card Download your Stretching card

Remember, if you experience any chest pain, have difficulty breathing or become unwell during any physical activity, stop and seek advice from your doctor or health care team. 

Your weekly focus - Mental Health

We have crafted a weekly blog to help you focus on a goal every time you walk.

Mental health studies reveal walking can help us take control of our internal thoughts and grow a more positive inner voice.

Did you know that exercise promotes actual changes in the brain? Yep, that's right! It reduces inflammation and creates new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. It also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals that energise our spirits and boost our mood.

Healthy snack - Banana Trail Mix Bars

Try our Banana trail mix bars! Packed with heart healthy ingredients like wholegrain oats, fruit, nuts and seeds to help give long lasting energy to fuel your activity, protein, fibre and healthy fats!

Share your walks with us

Join our Facebook group and upload a selfie during your walk. Let us know what you're listening to, how the program's going, what you love most about walking. 

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